Week 11 Completion Checklist

For your final assignment, you'll complete 1/4 of the work each week, based on Flexbox, CSS grid, CSS animation, and SVG. Parts will be assigned each week through the end of the term. You'll see these parts in the checklist and in the assignment itself. The full assignment contains submission instructions.

Watch this week's videos and look at the various additional reading and documentation I've given you. Then you'll be ready to tackle the assignment.

Assignment 4 part 1a: Flexbox

A: Play a game (8 points)

Work your way through either Flexbox Froggy Links to an external site. or Flexbox Defense Links to an external site.. When you reach the final screen, take a screenshot. Turn in this screenshot as evidence that you've completed this part of the assignment.

Assignment 4 part 1B: Coming soon


There will be more with Flexbox, but I'll give it to you after we discuss Grid next week. These two concepts go together, so I want to give you an assignment that reflects that.

You will likely want to look at making a grid system using Flexbox, as covered in the lecture, though.