Week 1 Completion Checklist
Welcome to class!
Each week, I will provide a Completion Checklist, so it's clear what tasks are to be accomplished each week.
1. Read the syllabus, particularly “How this course works” and “Grading”.
2. Order any books you wish to use. Download the software if you have not already done so. Sign up for lynda.com through Harvard. All of the links for these are provided in the Week 1 Module.
3. If you wish, post a bit about yourself in the Introduce Yourself discussion forum.
4. Watch the course videos for this week.
- The first video will give you an overview of class and point to all of the links you'll need to visit to download and install relevant software and services. I also show you the Canvas website, where to post questions in the forums, and generally orient you to the online environment.
- The remaining videos are review videos from last term's DGMD E-20 course. This is knowledge I assume you know coming into class. If you did not take E-20, or if you need review, the videos are available to you to view.
5. Review the pre-class "assignment". This is not graded, and you do not need to turn it in. However, it's good review for those of you from DGMD E-20, and if you did not take that class, it will test your knowledge coming into class.
If HTML 5 is new to you, I recommend you watch
HTML5: Structure, Syntax, and Semantics with James Williamson http://www.lynda.com/sdk/HTML-5-tutorials/HTML5-Structure-Syntax-and-Semantics/77585-2
If you need more help with HTML in general, I recommend:
Up and Running with HTML with James Williamson http://www.lynda.com/sdk/HTML-tutorials/Up-Running-with-HTML/108128-2.html
If you need more help with CSS, I recommend
CSS Fundamentals with James Williamson http://www.lynda.com/sdk/Web-Interactive-CSS-tutorials/CSS-Fundamentals/80436-2.html
CSS: Core Concepts with James Williamson http://www.lynda.com/sdk/Web-Interactive-CSS-tutorials/CSS-Core-Concepts/80435-2.html
Please also feel free to Google for HTML5 resources. There are tons of great tutorials out there. If you find them, please share them in this week’s discussion!