Review Videos

Some of you were with me in DGMD E-20 last term, while some are coming into this course knowing how to complete the pre-req assignment. (Others of you were with me in DGMD E-20 in previous years.)

If there is any place you find yourself weak, or you find that you need additional help or guidance, you can refer to the videos below. These are lecture videos from DGMD E-20 in Fall 2015 that are most relevant to this class. You are welcome to look at these at any time, referring to them if you get stuck later on, or you can watch some (or all) of them now. I've tried to capture what topics are covered in the titles.

The "week" designations refer to DGMD E-20, not to this course. I've left them in place so you can understand what order this material was presented. The "weeks' below do not tie to this course's structure. We will be using CSS throughout the course, so you can expect me to refer to material presented here at any point in time.

Week 2 Part 1: Quick review, family relationships and CSS

Week 2 Part 1a: Rems vs. ems as units of measure (3 min 30 sec) (Links to an external site.)

Week 2 Part 2: Child, adjacent sibling, general sibling selectors

Week 2 Part 3: Attribute selectors

Week 2 Part 4: Pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes

Week 2 Part 5: nth-child and nth-of-type

Week 4 Part 1: Box model, floats, clears

Week 4 Part 2: Floats and clears and images

Week 4 Part 3: Floats, clears, and making columns

Week 4 Bonus: Floats and the Floatutorial

Week 5 Part 1: Normal flow, static positioning, absolute positioning

Week 5 Part 2: Relative positioning

Week 5 Part 3: Display: inline-block, inline, block, none, horizontal nav bars

Week 5 Part 4: CSS3 columns

Week 6 Video 1: Web fonts

Week 6 Video 2: Rounded corners and transparent background images

Week 6 Video 3: RGBA, gradients, drop (box) shadows

Week 6 Video 4: Border images