Course Syllabus


          Responsible land management has come to include concern for land as habitat -- not just for humankind alone  -- but for other communities of species that inhabit it as well.  In addition, we have come to understand that land management needs to reflect an understanding of the land in its ecological context, including its local and larger significance in the hydrological cycle, the carbon cycle, public health, etc.


        This course invites students to reflect upon the problems confronting those who have to make decisions about land management and resource use.  It highlights different approaches to environmental ethics and examines the underlying assumptions of the scientific, managerial, economic, aesthetic, religious, judicial and public policy discourse on the environment. Emphasis will be given to the growing global recognition that humankind is now evolving toward a new consciousness of the ethics of sustainability.

The Prophetic Pope:

      Attention will be given to the global publication from the Vatican on 18 June 2015 of the Papal Encyclical Letter -- Laudato Si'.   It's historic, scientific, social and moral significance for transition studies will be discussed in detail particularly in relation to its implications for the human "engineering" impulse (civil engineering, bio-engineering, nuclear engineering and geoengineering).


       The detailed Course Syllabus is posted here..  There will be changes and additional material as Pope Francis visits the United States to address the joint Houses of Congress and the United Nations General Assembly.  These changes will be clearly signaled in the Syllabus and in the course Announcements and subsequent e-mails to all enrolled. 

Feel free to join us.

Let us know what questions you might have.

Welcome aboard!  This will no doubt be the best semester ever to extend your thoughts and have your say on environmental ethics.

ENVR E120 - Environmental Ethics and Land Management

Class time

Tuesdays, from 1 September Through 15 December 2015,
Weekly Section Meeting, 4:30 to 5:30pm
Class Session: 5:30 to 7:30pm



1 Story Street, Room 304



Course Summary:

Date Details Due