AJAX Comprehension Check
- Due Nov 13, 2018 at 11:59pm
- Points 12
- Questions 1
- Available Nov 6, 2018 at 12:15pm - Dec 18, 2018 at 11:59pm
- Time Limit None
- Allowed Attempts Unlimited
An apple orchard wants to list the varieties of apples they are now picking. They have a server-side program that delivers the list of apples they are picking now -- as well as those they expect to pick soon and the varieties that are done picking -- formatted in JSON. The structure is:
{ "apples": { "picking_now": [ "Macoun", "Empire", "Cortland", "McIntosh", "Honey Crisp", "Gala", "Red Delicious" ], "picking_soon": [ "Golden Delicious", "Northern Spy", "Baldwin", "Mutsu" ], "picking_done": [ "Ginger Gold", "Jonamac", "Gravenstein" ] } }
A web page is created that will make a request for the apple data, format it, and place it on the page.
A screenshot of the page is:
The code of the page is listed below in Question 1.
You can also see a working examples:
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