Media & Technology - Text Mining - Activity
Introduction | Presentation | Activity
Is text mining useful for your research? (5 minutes)
Think about your research question(s) or topic.
- How would you frame your research question Links to an external site. so that it can be answered by text mining?
- To do text mining, we want to quantify some features of texts
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- What do you want to measure?
- How would you want to measure it?
- Data is not objective. Human intervention and decision-making is involved in every stage of text mining, including data collection
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- What are the potential decisions you would have to make?
- What are the decisions already made for your data?
Try out Voyant Tools (5 minutes)
Take a few minutes to upload some text to Voyant Tools Links to an external site. and play around with it. What questions does this raise for you?
Tip: Don’t have any text to upload? Try uploading a free e-book available on Links to an external site..
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