Handling Special Materials - Introduction

Introduction | Prep | Activity

For Harvard students: Handling Special Materials is offered as part of the bonus module during our January program. Find more information about our workshops.


Developing confidence around the best and safest way to handle rare and fragile materials.

What you will learn:

  • How to be sensitive to the material qualities of your research materials 
  • How to handle common special collections items: a book, a box of folders, and photographs

This module will prepare you for:

  • Visiting the reading room of an archives or special collections repository
  • Feeling confident that you are taking good care of your research materials

Table of contents

  1. Prep - Discover what makes materials fragile and how you can prevent damages (21 minutes)
  2. Activity - Practice handling methods with materials around your home (20 minutes)

Credits: The content for this session was developed over multiple iterations, with contributions from Priscilla Anderson and Debra Cuoco.

For Facilitators: Visit the Facilitator's notes page Links to an external site. for information and file downloads.

Introduction | Prep | Activity