frmeOne <- data.frame(name = character(), color = character(), weight = numeric(),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
frmeOne[nrow( frmeOne ) + 1,] <- list("Ladybug", "black", 9)
frmeOne[nrow( frmeOne ) + 1,] <- list("Butterfly", "white", 10)
frmeOne[nrow( frmeOne ) + 1,] <- list("Bumblebee", "black", 7.5)
##        name color weight
## 1   Ladybug black    9.0
## 2 Butterfly white   10.0
## 3 Bumblebee black    7.5
frmeTwo <- data.frame(
  name   = c("Ladybug", "Butterfly", "Bumblebee"),
  color  = c("black", "white", "black"),
  weight = c(9, 10, 7.5),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##        name color weight
## 1   Ladybug black    9.0
## 2 Butterfly white   10.0
## 3 Bumblebee black    7.5

rownames( frmeOne )
## [1] "1" "2" "3"
rownames( frmeOne ) <- frmeOne[["name"]]
frmeOne <- frmeOne[,!( names( frmeOne ) %in% c("name") )]
##           color weight
## Ladybug   black    9.0
## Butterfly white   10.0
## Bumblebee black    7.5
rownames( frmeOne )
## [1] "Ladybug"   "Butterfly" "Bumblebee"

##         color weight
## Ladybug black      9
##         color weight
## Ladybug black      9
##           color weight
## Butterfly white     10
##           color weight
## Butterfly white     10

##           color
## Ladybug   black
## Butterfly white
## Bumblebee black
## [1] "white"
## [1] "white"
frmeOne["Butterfly", "color"]
## [1] "white"
frmeOne[["Butterfly", "color"]]
## [1] "white"

##           color weight
## Butterfly white   10.0
## Bumblebee black    7.5
frmeOne[c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE),]
##           color weight
## Butterfly white   10.0
## Bumblebee black    7.5
frmeOne[frmeOne[["color"]] == "black",]
##           color weight
## Ladybug   black    9.0
## Bumblebee black    7.5

frmeOne[["personality"]] <- c("goofy", "shy", "playful")
##           color weight personality
## Ladybug   black    9.0       goofy
## Butterfly white   10.0         shy
## Bumblebee black    7.5     playful
frmeOne["Boy",] <- list("black", 16, "goofy")
##           color weight personality
## Ladybug   black    9.0       goofy
## Butterfly white   10.0         shy
## Bumblebee black    7.5     playful
## Boy       black   16.0       goofy
frmeOne <- rbind( frmeOne, Girl = list("white", 15, "shy") )
##           color weight personality
## Ladybug   black    9.0       goofy
## Butterfly white   10.0         shy
## Bumblebee black    7.5     playful
## Boy       black   16.0       goofy
## Girl      white   15.0         shy

colnames( frmeOne )
## [1] "color"       "weight"      "personality"
rownames( frmeOne )
## [1] "Ladybug"   "Butterfly" "Bumblebee" "Boy"       "Girl"
colnames( frmeOne )[[2]]
## [1] "weight"
rownames( frmeOne )[[3]]
## [1] "Bumblebee"
nrow( frmeOne )
## [1] 5
length( rownames( frmeOne ) )
## [1] 5
ncol( frmeOne )
## [1] 3

frmeOne[frmeOne[["color"]] == "black",]
##           color weight personality
## Ladybug   black    9.0       goofy
## Bumblebee black    7.5     playful
## Boy       black   16.0       goofy
frmeOne[( frmeOne[["color"]] == "black" ) & ( frmeOne[["personality"]] == "goofy" ),]
##         color weight personality
## Ladybug black      9       goofy
## Boy     black     16       goofy
frmeOne[( frmeOne[["color"]] == "black" ) & ( frmeOne[["personality"]] == "goofy" ) &
          ( frmeOne[["weight"]] > 10 ),]
##     color weight personality
## Boy black     16       goofy
##           color weight personality
## Ladybug   black    9.0       goofy
## Butterfly white   10.0         shy
## Bumblebee black    7.5     playful
## Boy       black   16.0       goofy
## Girl      white   15.0         shy

frmeThree <- read.delim( "cats.tsv" )
##        name color weight personality
## 1   Ladybug black    9.0       goofy
## 2 Butterfly white   10.0         shy
## 3 Bumblebee black    7.5     playful
## 4       Boy black   16.0       goofy
## 5      Girl white   15.0         shy
frmeThree <- read.delim( "cats.tsv", row.names = 1 )
##           color weight personality
## Ladybug   black    9.0       goofy
## Butterfly white   10.0         shy
## Bumblebee black    7.5     playful
## Boy       black   16.0       goofy
## Girl      white   15.0         shy

frmeThree <- read.delim( "cats.tsv", row.names = 1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
##           color weight personality
## Ladybug   black    9.0       goofy
## Butterfly white   10.0         shy
## Bumblebee black    7.5     playful
## Boy       black   16.0       goofy
## Girl      white   15.0         shy
frmeThree[( frmeThree[["color"]] == "black" ) & ( frmeThree[["personality"]] == "goofy" ) &
          ( frmeThree[["weight"]] > 10 ),]
##     color weight personality
## Boy black     16       goofy

square <- function( iNum ) {
  iRet <- iNum * iNum
  return( iRet )
square( -5 )
## [1] 25

add1 <- function( iN ) { return( iN + 1 ) }
sapply( c(1, 2, 3), add1 )
## [1] 2 3 4
sapply( c(1, 2, 3), function( iN ) { iN + 1 } )
## [1] 2 3 4
lapply( list(1, 2, 3), function( iN ) { iN + 1 } )
## [[1]]
## [1] 2
## [[2]]
## [1] 3
## [[3]]
## [1] 4

##           color weight personality
## Ladybug   black    9.0       goofy
## Butterfly white   10.0         shy
## Bumblebee black    7.5     playful
## Boy       black   16.0       goofy
## Girl      white   15.0         shy
catter <- function( lRow ) {
  if( lRow[["color"]] == "black" ) {
    return( lRow[["weight"]] )
  } else {
    return( lRow[["color"]] )
apply( frmeOne, 1, catter )
##   Ladybug Butterfly Bumblebee       Boy      Girl 
##    " 9.0"   "white"    " 7.5"    "16.0"   "white"
apply( frmeOne, 2, function( aCol ) { sample( aCol, 1 ) } )
##       color      weight personality 
##     "white"      "10.0"       "shy"

adNorm <- rnorm( 25 )
##  [1] -0.3280727  0.1915822 -0.9207494 -0.3977926  0.6358889  0.2427530
##  [7] -0.8264071 -2.2081408 -1.0477654  0.3115680 -0.7090009  0.1907443
## [13] -0.1868401  1.1856502 -0.6331794 -0.2002341 -0.3226024  0.4029752
## [19]  1.0334747  0.2558921 -0.6494631  0.1748569  0.8350601 -0.1902398
## [25]  0.8335593
adUnif <- runif( 25 )
##  [1] 0.68574338 0.66249621 0.23693167 0.04769571 0.05834499 0.51512328
##  [7] 0.46649069 0.01811746 0.69780150 0.21673293 0.17516286 0.29036937
## [13] 0.46241285 0.56003750 0.04213301 0.74871698 0.88879987 0.42964628
## [19] 0.85694694 0.29876781 0.57314493 0.32543641 0.88811740 0.17409308
## [25] 0.70327590
t.test( adNorm, adUnif )
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  adNorm and adUnif
## t = -3.2976, df = 30.395, p-value = 0.00249
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.8644746 -0.2034471
## sample estimates:
##   mean of x   mean of y 
## -0.09305931  0.44090156
t.test( adNorm, rnorm( length( adNorm ) ) )
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  adNorm and rnorm(length(adNorm))
## t = 0.14081, df = 40.26, p-value = 0.8887
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.5390661  0.6198220
## sample estimates:
##   mean of x   mean of y 
## -0.09305931 -0.13343728

adX <- rnorm( 40 )
adY <- rnorm( length( adX ) )
##  [1] -0.14994545  0.67545519 -0.03161501 -1.29471147  0.03988258  0.88786537
##  [7] -0.61859643  2.04069552 -0.48177606 -1.41032173 -1.87142846 -1.21623397
## [13] -0.75419406  0.23803202 -0.35627898 -0.67458184  1.44786791  0.80953937
## [19] -0.58917564  2.04965831  0.11990442 -1.29744088 -0.49114134 -0.09952204
## [25]  1.20401452  0.27946263  0.80173493  0.11011252  0.46582451  0.63337011
## [31] -0.32363017  0.40044303 -0.01421974  0.02379129 -0.42484515 -0.30900940
## [37] -0.73028092  0.33092140  0.50646931 -0.50375692
par( mfrow = c(2, 2) )
hist( adX )
plot( adX, adY )
plot( adX, adY, type = "l" )
barplot( adX )

ggplot( ) + geom_histogram( aes( adX ) )
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

ggplot( ) + geom_histogram( aes( adX ) ) + theme_light( )
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

ggplot( ) + geom_point( aes( adX, adY ) )

ggplot( ) + geom_line( aes( adX, adY ) )

ggplot( ) + geom_bin2d( aes( adX, adY ) )