Course Syllabus

CHEM E-1axl General Chemistry I (Lab) (14587)
Fall term 2014
Gregg Tucci, PhD. Senior Lecturer on Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University.
Justin McCarty, MM. Head Teaching Fellow in General Chemistry, Harvard University.

Class times: Labs meet on eight Saturdays 10 am-12:30 pm. Specific schedule listed in the syllabus.

This laboratory class is an optional companion laboratory course for students concurrently enrolled in the online course CHEM E-1ax. The course allows students to gain familiarity with laboratory techniques and apparatus, and to apply their knowledge of concepts from CHEM E-1ax in an actual laboratory situation. Prior to each lab, students read the lab experiment and complete a pre-laboratory report. All students must complete mandatory safety training to participate in the course, this training is provided at the first class meeting. (1 credit)


Complete course information and a detailed course schedule can be found in the Syllabus:


Course Summary:

Date Details Due