Course Syllabus

In the area below, provide basic, standard course information ahead of registration period to help students make informed course choices. Click the EDIT button and input your responses by over-writing the field description below each bolded heading. Consult the IT Help knowledge base or reach out to FAS Academic Technology at for assistance.

For Office Hours:

Enrollment cap, selection process, notification:

We are capping enrollment for this course at 12 for-credit students maximum, so priority is being given to concentrators and those who have submitted their responses to the following questions.

  1. What is your full name, your year in undergrad or grad, your concentration, and which course you're applying for?
  2. What excites you about this course? What are you hoping to get out of this experience?
  3. Do you have a previous experience performing? This is not a precondition to be accepted in the class but will help to have an idea of the group.

Please send these answers via email to me AND TDM Faculty Administrative Coordinator, Fanni Horvath, at and by the end of Tuesday, April 9 and submit a petition on my.harvard. We will finalize acceptances on April 10.


Past syllabus:

TDM 187B Syllabus

The above syllabus is from Fall 2023. Fall 2024 syllabus will remain relatively the same with minor updates.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due