Course Syllabus

In the area below, provide basic, standard course information ahead of registration period to help students make informed course choices. Click the EDIT button and input your responses by over-writing the field description below each bolded heading. Consult the IT Help knowledge base or reach out to FAS Academic Technology at for assistance.

Course goals:

Describe the specific knowledge, skills and abilities that students will learn or develop in your course.

Course format:

In what format is the course conducted (ex: lecture and required discussion section). How is class time spent?

Typical enrollees:

Who is this course primarily designed for?

When is course typically offered?

fall; spring; both semesters; occasionally; one time only

What can students expect from you as an instructor?

What is your teaching style?

Assignments and grading:

Describe principal assignments and assessments. Provide a provisional percentage-based breakdown of how each requirement will factor into the overall grade. Indicate the end-of-term assessment.

Sample reading list:

(optional) Indicate your sample reading list or upload the document to your course files and link to the file in this space.

Enrollment cap, selection process, notification:

(Optional--for limited enrollment courses) What is your selection process? Will certain students be prioritized or (e.g., concentrators; upper-level students; first-years only)? How will students be notified of their admission? If there is a website that describes your controlled enrollment application and selection process, please provide the link.

Past syllabus:

If the course will be taught in the same manner it has been, please post an example syllabus; if not, explain how it will be different. To post a syllabus document, upload the file to your course files and link to the file in this space.

Absence and late work policies:

Provide information here.



Course Summary:

Date Details Due