Course Syllabus

ISMT E-150: Introduction to GIS (12917) - Fall 2016

(Last update: July 19, 2016)

Course lecutre time: Thursdays 5:30-7:30pm Eastern Time

Optional help sections: Tuesday, 7:00-8:00pm Eastern Time

Location (online): see latest update on

Instructor: Dr. Wendy Guan,

Teaching fellow: Mr. Giovanni Zambotti,

Prerequisite: familiarity with Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), online learning platform (Blackboard Collaborate, Adobe Connect) and Internet browsing

Credits: 4


Course Description

This course introduces the concepts and components of a geographic information system (GIS). It also teaches the essential skills of operating a functional GIS through the use of ArcGIS software package. By completing this course, students will understand the operational processes of spatial data acquisition, editing and QA/QC, metadata development, geodatabase design, spatial query and display, spatial analysis and modeling, preliminary GIS application development, cartographic mapping and dynamic visualization, and GIS implementation basics. Students will also be exposed to Google Earth and common open source GIS tools, as well as the basic concepts of remote sensing and Global Positioning System (GPS).

GIS technology has broad applications in natural and social sciences, humanities, environmental studies, engineering, and management. Examples include wildlife habitat study, urban and regional planning, contagious disease monitoring, agriculture and forestry, environmental quality assessment, emergency management, transportation planning, consumer and competitor analysis, and many more. This course will introduce a few selected cases of GIS application in different disciplines.


Required: Getting to Know ArcGIS (4th Edition) 

Authors: Michael Law, Amy Collins

Publisher: ESRI Press (July 2015, © 2015)

ISBN-13: 978-1589483828; ISBN-10: 1589483820


Recommended: Geographic Information Systems and Science (4th Edition)

Authors: Paul A. Longley, Michael F. Goodchild, David J. Maguire, David W. Rhind

Publisher: Wiley (March 2015, ©2016)

ISBN-13: 978-1118676950; ISBN-10: 1118676955


Course Schedule

Week Date Lecture In-class Demo  Lab Assignment Getting to Know... Chapters GIS&S Chapters
1 9/1/2016 Lecture 1: Introduction, course overview, what is GIS Demo 1: ArcGIS navigation, online help Lab 1: ArcGIS basics, loading data, scales, navigation, online help 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2
2 9/8/2016 Lecture 2: Cartographic principles and conventions Demo 2: Map symbology customization Lab 2: Making map 7, 9, 10 3, 12
3 9/15/2016 Lecture 3: Spatial data properties and structure Demo 3: Joining spatial and tabular records, projection definition and conversion Lab 3: Attribute query, joining and relating, projection 6, 15, 17 5, 8
4 9/22/2016 Lecture 4: Spatial data management, geodatabase basics Demo 4: Vector data editing, geocoding Lab 4: Create feature classes, vector data editing, geocoding 11, 12, 13, 14 10
5 9/29/2016 Lecture 5: Vector based spatial analysis Demo 5: Different overlay analyses Lab 5: Location query, overlay and adjacency analyses 8, 16, 18, 19 14
6 10/6/2016 Lecture 6: Raster based spatial analysis Demo 6: Georeferencing Lab 6: Map algebra, surface analysis, raster-vector conversion, geo-referencing Supplementary 6A-6C 15
7 10/13/2016 Lecture 7: Spatial statistics and geo-statistics Demo 7: Interpolation comparison Lab 7: Spatial dependency, clustering, fragmentation, interpolation Supplementary 7A-7C 4, 6
8 10/20/2016 Mid Term Exam Final project requirements Planning for final project    
9 10/27/2016 Lecture 8: Data collection and data quality Demo 8: Internet data searching, topology editing Lab 8: collect data for final project, develop metadata   9
10 11/3/2016 Lecture 9: Network analysis Demo 9: network routing Lab 9: test, select and document analytical methods for final project. Project proposal due (500-1000 words)    
11 11/10/2016 Lecture 10: GIS modeling and automation; web GIS and open source GIS Demo 10: ModelBuilder Lab 10: conduct analysis 5, 20, Appendix A 7, 11, 13, 16
12 11/17/2016 Lecture 11: Introduction to Global Positioning Systems Demo 11: Creating spatial features from GPS data Lab 11: explore visualization options, create visual outputs for final project. Data evaluation report due (500-1000 words)    
  11/24/2016 No class Thanksgiving Break    
13 12/1/2016 Lecture 12: Introduction to Remote Sensing Demo 12: Multi-band image composition Lab 12:  prepare final project presentation (PowerPoint, PDF or other visual aid, 8-10 minutes)    
14 12/8/2016 Lecture 13: Geospatial applications and perspectives Demo 13: ArcGIS Online, WorldMap Lab 13: compose final project poster (42” x 36” in size, PDF file, < 350 words of descriptive text)   17, 18, 19, 20
15 12/15/2016 Project Oral Presentation 5:30-8:30pm Final project poster due    


Activity Description Weight Due Date
Class Participation (15%) attend 13 lectures, participate in class discussions, 1% each 13% Every Thursday 5:30-7:30pm
submit your grading for classmates' presentations 2% Last week, Friday midnight
Lab Assignments (35%) 7 labs, 5% each (teaching fellow grade) 35% Next Friday midnight
Mid-term Exam (20%) in class, 1.5 hr, open book (teaching fellow grade) 20% 8th week, Thursday 5:30-7:00pm
Final Project (30%) written proposal (instructor grade) 5% 10th week, Friday midnight
written data evaluation report (instructor grade) 5% 12th week, Friday midnight
in class oral presentation 15% instructor grade 5% Last week, Tuesday or Thursday 5:30-7:30pm
teaching fellow grade 5%
classmates grade average 5%
final project poster (instructor grade) 5% Last week, Sunday midnight
Total 100%  



All times are in Eastern Time. Late submission penalty: 10% per day.


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Course Summary:

Date Details Due