Course Syllabus


 Graduate Student Workshop in INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICS

  Fall 2018

Usually Wednesdays 12:00 - 1:00 PM, Littauer Center M-16

unless otherwise noted

Date Presenter Title Coauthors
Sept. 19 Fadi Hassan Trade Shocks and Capital Reallocation

Stefano Federico & Veronica Rappoport 

Sept. 26 Chenzi Xu Reshaping Global Trade: The Long Run-Effects of Bank Failures N/A
Oct. 3 Andrew Lilley Currency Risk and Betas Gianluca Rinaldi 
Oct. 10 Xiang Ding TBD N/A
Oct. 17 Omar Barbiero Rethinking Benefits from Devaluations N/A
Oct. 24 May Bunsupha The Role of Liquidity in Coordination Games Saran Ahuja
Oct. 31 Taehoon Kim TBD N/A
Nov. 7 Giselle Montamat  Stubborn Dollarization: Love for the Dollar and Fear of the Peso N/A
Nov. 14 Maria Voronina Superstar GVCs  N/A
Nov. 28 Elisa Rubbo The Phillips curve in the global economy N/A


Course Summary:

Date Details Due