ECON 3116: Seminar in Environmental Economics and Policy

CANCELLED: The Spring 2020 Seminar in Environmental Economics and Policy with Professor Robert Stavins and Professor James Stock HAS BEEN CANCELLED FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE SEMESTER DUE TO ONGOING PUBLIC HEALTH CONCERNS.

Note from Professor Stavins and Professor Stock:


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Due to evolving public health concerns and consistent with University guidance, the Harvard University Seminar in Environmental Economics and Policy is hereby cancelled for the remainder of the semester.

We very much regret the necessity of cancelling the wonderful lineup of speakers we had for the remainder of this semester, but we hope to be able to welcome some or all of them to the Seminar in the coming academic year.

Best wishes,
Rob & Jim




Click here for course syllabus

Click here for seminar schedule (For reference only. Remaining seminars have been cancelled.)

Seminar papers, presenter CV's and Bios can be found in the corresponding folder in "Files."


Course Summary:

Date Details Due