Course Syllabus


We use this canvas page only for administrative purposes. The actual website is  here (course website for MathS 21a Summer 2022).



 Course Information


Some have asked whether this course has an online option. The answer is no. The classes are not video recorded and class participation is required.  If you should be absent during part of the course, check with the instructor. Longer absence like not being able to attend a week of classes  is not possible by summer school policy. The 7 week summer courses are intense and cover the material of the semester long college course. The actual course website for this course will be built up here.  There is a link from that page back to the canvas page. This canvas page is used for administrative purposes like submission of homework. For Harvard College students: you have to know that unlike Math 21a College courses, Math S-21a does not count for QRD requirement but it counts for the Science and Engineering distribution requirement. Rather than doing data crunching spreadsheet exercises, we will be able to focus more on the beauty and elegance of mathematics and do creative aspects like in the past. Pure mathematics is both art and science and gives valuable real insight on data science. We will still look at data application:: in this course, we have for example mentioned how to extract data from video  footage. Or to use acceleration data [PDF] from a phone to reconstruct the shape of a rollercoaster. Or to compute the area of the Mandelbrot set [PDF] using Monte Carlo integration. 

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Course Summary:

Date Details Due