HISTSCI 193CU: Significant Stories: Podcasting the History of Science
2020 Fall / Full Term
Course Description
Learning Goals
Course Plan
Course Tools
Readings, Listening, and How-To’s
Thematic Project Schedule
Course Overview from Shopping Week
Course Description
In this project-based class, students will create an audio-rich podcast series that explores aspects of the history of science that are relevant to a broader community. We will be inspired by objects in the Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments (CHSI) and will ground our stories in objects from the collection and beyond. Students will learn the skills needed to research, plan, record, and produce broadly accessible non-fiction audio stories. Students will also learn how to transform scholarly observations into stories that are meaningful to a broad audience using techniques from museum interpretation, public history, and journalism.
NOTE: The class was originally designed to focus on science teaching at Harvard. With the increased enrollment, students will have the opportunity to select among a wider range of history of science-related topics.
Instructor: Dave Unger
Contact: It will be best to reach me via Slack. If that doesn’t work then email is the next best option: dsunger@fas.harvard.edu
Office Hours: DM or email me to make an appointment. Mondays 10-1(EST) is usually a good time.
Teaching Fellow: Shireen Hamza
Contact: shireenhamza@g.harvard.edu
Office Hours: Sign up here for office hours with TF Shireen Hamza Wednesday 3-5 pm EST on Zoom.
Full Class Zoom: Thursdays 3:00-4:00(EST)
NOTE: The first week (9/3) will be from 3:00-4:30(EST)
Working Group Meetings: 1 hour per week, to be scheduled by participants
Working Group Check-in with Instruction Staff: Each group to meet with instructor or TF for 20 minutes each week between 4:00-5:00(EST).
Learning Goals
Foundational knowledge:
- Students will be able to summarize major concepts and issues in Public History.
- Students will be conversant with basic concepts, approaches, and perspectives from the world of non-fiction audio production.
- Students will have deeper understanding of topics within the theme of their group’s project.
- Students will be able to translate academic research into a compelling narrative for a general audience.
- Students will be able to design, plan, and carry out audio story production.
- Students will be able to identify and write for specific audiences.
- Students will be able to work as part of a collaborative, creative team.
- Students will be able to draw connections between history of science and their own lives, the lives of people around them, and issue of broader concern.
Human dimension:
- Students will see their academic work as having the potential to have a direct positive influence on the broader world
- Students will engage with and appreciate experiences and voices of a variety of people.
Learning to learn:
- Students will learn to collaborate with peers in virtual environment.
- Students will learn to plan and organize extended intellectual project.
- Students will learn to read for key ideas and find connections to own life and the larger world.
Course Plan
This class will have a unique rhythm that might be confusing at first. Here is a brief overview of the plan for the semester. We will adapt and adjust as needed.
Podcast Project
We will organize the project similar to how it would be done in a professional museum setting. You will be the project team.
We will start out meeting as a whole class and will quickly brainstorm and identify a number of possible mini-series themes. With the range of interests represented in the expanded class, we do not need to be confined to the original idea of science teaching at Harvard. We’ll vote on the possibilities to whittle down the choices. You will then be able to choose which theme is most interesting to you and we will divide into working groups of 4-6 people.
You will stay with your working group for the semester and will collaborate to create a podcast miniseries, working together to design the overall theme and organization for the series. Unless your group decides on a different approach, you’ll work alone or with a partner (or two) to produce individual elements of the series. See the thematic project schedule below for more details.
You’ll meet with your working group for about an hour each week at a time you decide with your teammates. Each week, after the full class meeting, your group will have a 20 minute check-in with either me or the TF (on alternating weeks). Periodically you’ll share your work with the larger class.
Weekly Activities
In parallel to this project work, we’ll also work through useful themes, perspectives, and skills.
Each week you will do some reading, listening, and engaging with how-to tutorials. See below for a complete schedule of these materials. We’ll discuss these materials together on Slack and in a weekly full-class meeting. At the beginning of the week, I’ll post questions in Slack. Please engage with these questions, post your own thoughts and questions, and respond to your classmates.
Individual Assignments
Throughout the semester you will have three individual assignments. These will be described fully in the assignments section of the website. In brief, they are: a voice memo, a practice interview, and a final reflection paper.
Course Tools
Here is an overview of the main tools we will be using to interact and learn.
Canvas is the central hub for the class. You will find links to everything else here. This is also the central repository for the syllabus, schedules, assignment prompts, and other authoritative information. You will submit individual assignments via Canvas.
Slack is the primary home for class interactions. We will discuss readings, ask questions, and share advice. I will also send out announcements, weekly orientations messages, and additional resources through Slack. Slack DM will also be the best way to reach me. In general, try asking your questions in the open channels. That way other folks can chime in and benefit from the answers. The exception would, of course, be anything sensitive or confidential.
Zoom is the platform for our class meeting and for the teaching staff check-in’s. Your working group will probably use Zoom, but your group might agree to meet on a different platform.
Google Drive and Docs is the home for shared working documents and the repository for media files. We will use Google Docs as a whiteboard during class and your working group might want to do the same. We’ll store scripts, sound files, and edited audio on Drive.
We may add to or modify this toolbox as needed. Suggestions are welcome!
Your grade will be 1/3 weekly participation, 1/3 group project participation, contributions, and products, and 1/3 individual assignments.
Readings, Listening, and How-To’s
Week # |
Class Date |
Readings |
Listening |
How-Tos |
Week 1 |
09/03/20 |
Week 2 |
09/10/20 |
Week 3 |
09/17/20 |
Week 4 |
09/24/20 |
Week 5 |
10/01/20 |
Week 6 |
10/08/20 |
The Nod, "My Black Robot Friend." https://gimletmedia.com/shows/the-nod/76hdjl/ |
Week 7 |
10/15/20 |
Hidden Brain, “Liar, Liar”
Week 8 |
10/22/20 |
Articles of Interest, “Hawaiian Shirts”
Week 9 |
10/29/20 |
Code Switch - The original welfare queen
Week 10 |
11/05/20 |
Ear Hustle, “Christmas Boxes”
Week 11 |
11/12/20 |
Thomas Hayden, and Michelle Nijhuis, The Science Writers’ Handbook Everything You Need to Know to Pitch, Publish, and Prosper in the Digital Age (Philadelphia: Da Capo Lifelong books, 2013). https://canvas.harvard.edu/files/11074804/download?download_frd=1
Into America - "Into Coronavirus and the Classroom"
Week 12 |
11/19/20 |
Reply All, “Autumn”
Week 13 |
11/26/20 |
Week 14 |
12/03/20 |
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |